• Detail 1/3
  • Detail 2/3
  • Detail 3/3

Year: 2014—2015
Dimensions: 150 cm (W) × 120cm (D) × 150—260 cm (H) ca.
Medium: shredded paper archive, glue, wire
Photography: David Bradfield

TOWERS is made of the documents connected with running temporary studios when the threat of losing the studio was constant. Shredding the obsolete archive unlocked the associated fear. The trapped life-energy is restored in a new form, fulfils an alternative need and carries a fresh momentum.

TOWERS is a cluster of turrets, just above the ground and reminiscent of the ruins of medieval Cathar castles perched on the side of mountains in the Languedoc region (France). They stand for resistance to intolerance and corruption.

Towers packed for transport
Book 44 (pp. 37—38)
Book 44 (pp. 31—32)
Book 44 (pp. 34—35)
fig. 2